of 12 June 2017
amending Council Regulation (EC) No 329/2007 concerning restrictive measures against the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 329/2007 of 27 March 2007 concerning restrictive measures against the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (
), and in particular Article 13(1)(e) thereof,
(1) Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 329/2007 lists persons, entities and bodies who, not having been listed in
Annex IV, have been listed by the Council, and are covered by the freezing of funds and economic resources
under that Regulation.
(2) On 12 June 2017, the Council decided to remove one person and one entity from the list of persons and entities
subject to restrictive measures, set out in Annex II to Council Decision (CFSP) 2016/849 (
). The other entries
have been updated. Annex V of this Regulation should therefore be amended accordingly,
Article 1
Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 329/2007 is replaced by the text set out in the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 2
This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 12 June 2017.
For the Commission,
On behalf of the President,
Head of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
13.6.2017 L 149/67 Official Journal of the European Union
) OJ L 88, 29.3.2007, p. 1.
) Council Decision (CFSP) 2016/849 of 27 May 2016 concerning restrictive measures against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
and repealing Decision 2013/183/CFSP (OJ L 141, 28.5.2016, p. 79).
List of persons, entities and bodies referred to in Article 6(2)
(a) Natural persons referred to in Article 6(2)(a):
Name (and possible
Identifying information Reasons
CHON Chi-bu)
Member of the General Bureau of Atomic Energy, former technical director
of Yongbyon. Photographs connected him to nuclear reactor in Syria before
it was bombed by Israel in 2007.
CHU Kyu-Chang
JU Kyu-Chang;
JU Kyu Chang)
DOB: 25.11.1928
POB: South Hamgyo'ng
Province, DPRK
Former member of the National Defence Commission, which was a key
body for national defence matters in the DPRK before it was reformed into
the State Affaires Commission (SAC). Former director of the department of
munitions of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. Re
ported with
KIM Jong Un on a warship in 2013. Director of the Machine
Building Industry Department of the Workers' Party of Korea. Elected Work
ers' Party of Korea Central Committee alternate member in May 2016 at
7th Congress of Workers' Party of Korea, where WPK adopted a decision to
continue the DPRK's nuclear programme. As such, responsible for support
ing or promoting the DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-related or
other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes.
HYON Chol-hae (alias
HYON Chol Hae)
DOB: 1934
POB: Manchuria, China
Korean People's Army Marshal since April 2016. Deputy Director of the
General Political Department of the Korean People's Army (military adviser
to late Kim Jong-Il). Elected Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee
member in May 2016 at 7th Congress of Workers' Party of Korea where
WPK adopted a decision to continue the DPRK's nuclear programme.
KIM Yong-chun (alias
Yong Chun)
DOB: 4.3.1935
Passport: 554410660
Korean People's Army Marshal. Former deputy Chairman of the National
Defence Commission, which was a key body for national defence matters in
the DPRK before it was reformed into the State Affaires Commission (SAC).
Former Minister of the People's Armed Forces, special adviser to late Kim
Jong-Il on nuclear strategy. Elected Workers' Party of Korea Central Commit
tee member in May 2016 at 7th Congress of Workers' Party of Korea where
WPK adopted a decision to continue the DPRK's nuclear programme.
5. O Kuk-Ryol (alias
O Kuk Ryol)
DOB: 1931
POB: Jilin Province,
Former deputy Chairman of the National Defence Commission, which was
a key body for national defence matters in the DPRK before it was reformed
into the State Affaires Commission (SAC), supervising the acquisition
abroad of advanced technology for nuclear and ballistic programmes.
Elected Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee member in May 2016
at 7th Congress of Workers' Party of Korea where WPK adopted a decision
to continue the DPRK's nuclear programme.
PAEK Se-bong (alias
PAEK Se Bong)
DOB:1946 Former chairman of the Second Economic Committee (responsible for the
ballistic programme) of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of
Korea. Member of the National Defence Commission which was a key body
for national defence matters in the DPRK before it was reformed into the
State Affaires Commission (SAC). Promoted to Major-General.
13.6.2017 L 149/68 Official Journal of the European Union
Name (and possible
Identifying information Reasons
PAK Jae-gyong (alias
DOB: 1933
Passport: 554410661
Deputy Director of the General Political Department of the People's Armed
Forces and Deputy Director of the Logistics Bureau of the People's Armed
Forces (military adviser to late Kim Jong-II). Present at
KIM Jong Un's inspec
tion of Strategic Rocket Force Command.
Director of the General Bureau of Atomic Energy (entity designated by the
United Nations), in charge of international relations.
SO Sang-kuk (alias
SO Sang Kuk)
DOB: between 1932
and 1938
Head of the Department of Nuclear Physics, Kim Il Sung University.
10. Lieutenant General
KIM Yong Chol
Yong-Chol; KIM
Young-Chol; KIM
Young-Cheol; KIM
DOB: 1946
POB: Pyongan-Pukto,
Elected member of Workers' Party of Korea Central Military Commission
and Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee, Vice Chairman for Inter-
Korean Relations. Former commander of Reconnaissance General Bureau
(RGB). Promoted to United Front Department director in May 2016 at
7th Congress of Workers' Party of Korea.
PAK To-Chun (alias
PAK To Chun)
DOB: 9.3.1944
POB: Rangrim, Jagang
province, DPRK.
Member of the National Security Council. He is in charge of the arms in
dustry. It is reported that he commands the office for nuclear energy. This
institution is decisive for DPRK's nuclear and rocket launcher program.
Photo taken with contributors to the H-bomb test and satellite launch.
CHOE Kyong-song
CHOE Kyong
Colonel General in the Korean People's Army. Former member of the Cen
tral Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea, which is a key
body for national defence matters in the DPRK. As such, responsible for
supporting or promoting the DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-related
or other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes.
CHOE Yong-ho (alias
CHOE Yong Ho)
Colonel General in the Korean People's Army /Korean People's Army Air
Force General. Former member of the Central Military Commission of the
Workers' Party of Korea, which is a key body for national defence matters
in the DPRK. Commander of Korean People's Army Air Force and Anti-air
craft force. As such, responsible for supporting or promoting the DPRK's
nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-related or other weapons of mass destruc
tion-related programmes.
HONG Sung-Mu
HUNG Sun Mu;
HONG Sung Mu)
DOB: 1.1.1942 Deputy-director of the Munitions Industry Department (MID). In charge of
the development of programmes concerning conventional arms and miss
iles, including ballistic missiles. One of the main persons responsible for the
industrial development programmes for nuclear arms. As such, responsible
for the DPRK's nuclear arms-related, ballistic-missile-related, or other weap
ons of mass destruction-related programmes.
JO Kyongchol (alias
JO Kyong Chol)
General in the Korean People's Army. Former member of the Central Mili
tary Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea, which is a key body for
national defence matters in the DPRK. Director of the Military Security
Command. As such, responsible for supporting or promoting the DPRK's
nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-related or other weapons of mass destruc
tion-related programmes. Accompanied Kim Jong Un to largest-ever long-
range artillery fire drill.
13.6.2017 L 149/69 Official Journal of the European Union
Name (and possible
Identifying information Reasons
KIM Chun-sam (alias
KIM Chun Sam)
Lieutenant General, former member of the Central Military Commission of
the Workers' Party of Korea, which is a key body for national defence mat
ters in the DPRK. Director of the Operations Department of the Military
Headquarters of the Korean People's Army and first vice chief of the Mili
tary Headquarters. As such, responsible for supporting or promoting the
DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-related or other weapons of mass
destruction-related programmes.
KIM Chun-sop (alias
KIM Chun Sop)
Former member of the National Defence Commission which is now re
formed into the State Affaires Commission (SAC), which is a key body for
national defence matters in the DPRK. As such, responsible for supporting
or promoting the DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-related or other
weapons of mass destruction-related programmes. At photo session for
those who contributed to successful SLBM test in May 2015.
KIM Jong-gak (alias
KIM Jong Gak)
DOB: 20.7.1941
POB: Pyongyang, DPRK
Vice Marshal in the Korean People's Army, rector of the Military University
of Kim Il-Sung, former member of the Central Military Commission of the
Workers' Party of Korea, which is a key body for national defence matters
in the DPRK. As such, responsible for supporting or promoting the DPRK's
nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-related or other weapons of mass destruc
tion-related programmes.
KIM Rak Kyom
KIM Rak-gyom;
KIM Rak Gyom)
Four Star General, Commander of the Strategic Forces (aka Strategic Rocket
Forces), which now reportedly command four strategic and tactical missile
units, including the KN-08 (ICBM) brigade. The EU has designated the Stra
tegic Forces for engaging in activities that have materially contributed to the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction or their means of delivery.
Former member of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party
of Korea, which is a key body for national defence matters in the DPRK.
Media reports identified
KIM as attending the April 2016 ICBM engine test
KIM Jong Un. As such, responsible for supporting or promoting the
DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-related or other weapons of mass
destruction-related programmes. Ordered ballistic rocket firing drill.
KIM Won-hong (alias
KIM Won Hong)
DOB: 7.1.1945
POB: Pyongyang, DPRK
Passport: 745310010
General, Director of the State Security Department. Minister of State Secur
ity. Member of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of
Korea and National Defence Commission which was a key body for national
defence matters in the DPRK before it was reformed into the State Affaires
Commission (SAC), which are the key bodies for national defence matters
in the DPRK. As such, responsible for supporting or promoting the DPRK's
nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-related or other weapons of mass destruc
tion-related programmes.
PAK Jong-chon (alias
PAK Jong Chon)
Colonel General (Lieutenant General) in the Korean People's Army, Chief of
the Korean People's Armed Forces, Deputy Chief of Staff and Director of
the Firepower Command Department. Chief of the Military Headquarters
and Director of the Artillery Command Department. Former member of
the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea, which is
a key body for national defence matters in the DPRK. As such, responsible
for supporting or promoting the DPRK's nuclear- related, ballistic-missile-re
lated or other weapons of mass destruction- related programmes.
13.6.2017 L 149/70 Official Journal of the European Union
Name (and possible
Identifying information Reasons
RI Jong-su (alias RI
Jong Su)
Vice Admiral. Former member of the Central Military Commission of the
Workers' Party of Korea, which is a key body for national defence matters
in the DPRK. Commander in chief of the Korean Navy, which is involved in
the development of ballistic- missile programmes and in the development
of the nuclear capacities of the DPRK naval forces. As such, responsible for
supporting or promoting the DPRK's nuclear- related, ballistic-missile-re
lated or other weapons of mass destruction- related programmes.
SON Chol-ju (alais
Son Chol Ju)
Colonel General of the Korean People's Army and Political director of the
Air and Anti-Air forces, which oversees the development of modernised
anti-aircraft rockets. As such, responsible for supporting or promoting the
DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-related or other weapons of mass
destruction-related programmes.
YUN Jong-rin (alias
YUN Jong Rin)
General, former member of the Central Military Commission of the Work
ers Party of Korea and member of the National Defence Commission, which
was a key body for national defence matters in the DPRK before it was re
formed into the State Affaires Commission (SAC) which are all key bodies
for national defence matters in the DPRK. As such, responsible for support
ing or promoting the DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-related or
other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes.
PAK Yong-sik (alias
PAK Yong Sik)
Four Star General, member of the State Security Department, Minister of
the People's Armed Forces. Member of the Central Military Commission of
the Workers' Party of Korea and of the National Defence Commission which
was a key body for national defence matters in the DPRK before it was re
formed into the State Affaires Commission (SAC) which are all key bodies
for national defence matters in the DPRK. Was present at the testing of bal
listic missiles in March 2016. As such, responsible for supporting or pro
moting the DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-related or other weapons
of mass destruction-related programmes.
HONG Yong Chil
Deputy Director of the Munitions Industry Department (MID). The Muni
tions Industry Department — designated by the UNSC on 2 March 2016
is involved in key aspects of the DPRK's missile programme. MID is re
sponsible for overseeing the development of the DPRK's ballistic missiles,
including the Taepo Dong-2, weapons production and R&D programmes.
The Second Economic Committee and the Second Academy of Natural
Sciences also designated in August 2010 are subordinate to the MID.
The MID in recent years has worked to develop the KN08 road-mobile
HONG has accompanied KIM Jong Un to a number of events related
to the development of the DPRK's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes
and is thought to have played a significant role in the DPRK's nuclear test
on 6 January 2016. Vice-Director of the Workers' Party of Korea Central
Committee. As such, responsible for supporting or promoting the DPRK's
nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-related or other weapons of mass destruc
tion-related programmes. Present at ground jet test of new-type ICBM en
gine in April 2016.
13.6.2017 L 149/71 Official Journal of the European Union
Name (and possible
Identifying information Reasons
RI Hak Chol
RI Hak Chul,
RI Hak Cheol)
DOB: 19.1.1963 or
Passport: 381320634;
President of Green Pine Associated Corporation (‘Green Pine’). According to
the UN Sanctions Committee, Green Pine has taken over many of the activ
ities of the Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation (KOMID).
KOMID was designated by the Committee in April 2009 and is the DPRK's
primary arms dealer and main exporter of goods and equipment related to
ballistic missiles and conventional weapons. Green Pine is also responsible
for approximately half of the arms and related materiel exported by the
DPRK. Green Pine has been identified for sanctions for exporting arms or
related materiel from the DPRK. Green Pine specialises in the production of
maritime military craft and armaments, such as submarines, military boats
and missile systems, and has exported torpedoes and technical assistance to
Iranian defence-related firms. Green Pine has been designated by the UNSC.
YUN Chang Hyok DOB: 9.8.1965 Deputy Director of the Satellite Control Centre, National Aerospace Devel
opment Administration (NADA). NADA is subject to sanctions under
UNSCR 2270 (2016) for involvement in the DPRK's development of space
science and technology, including satellite launches and carrier rockets.
UNSCR 2270 (2016) condemned the DPRK's satellite launch of 7 February
2016 for using ballistic missile technology and being in serious violation of
resolutions 1718 (2006), 1874 (2009), 2087 (2013), and 2094 (2013). As
such, responsible for supporting or promoting the DPRK's nuclear-related,
ballistic-missile-related or other weapons of mass destruction-related pro
RI Myong Su
DOB: 1937
POB: Myongchon,
North Hamgyong,
Vice–President of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of
Korea and Chief of Staff of the People's Armed Forces. In this capacity, Ri
Myong Su holds a key position for national defence matters and is respon
sible for supporting or promoting the DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic-miss
ile-related or other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes.
SO Hong Chan DOB: 30.12.1957
POB: Kangwon, DPRK
Passport date of
expiration: 27.11.2021
First Vice-Minister of the People's Armed forces, member of the Central
Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea and Colonel-General in
the People's Armed Forces. In this capacity, So Hong Chan is responsible
for supporting or promoting the DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-re
lated or other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes.
WANG Chang Uk DOB: 29.5.1960 Minister for Industry and Atomic Energy. In this capacity, Wang Chang Uk
is responsible for supporting or promoting the DPRK's nuclear-related, bal
listic-missile-related or other weapons of mass destruction-related pro
JANG Chol DOB: 31.03.1961
POB: Pyongyang, DPRK
Passport: 563310042
President of the State Academy of Sciences, an organisation dedicated to the
development of technological and scientific capacities of the DPRK. In this
capacity, Jang Chol holds a strategic position for the development of DPRK
nuclear activities and is responsible for supporting or promoting the
DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-related or other weapons of mass
destruction-related programmes.
13.6.2017 L 149/72 Official Journal of the European Union
(b) Legal persons, entities and bodies referred to in Article 6(2)(a):
Name (and possible
Identifying information Reasons
1. Korea Pugang
mining and
Corporation ltd
Subsidiary of Korea Ryongbong General Corporation (entity designated by
the UNSC, 24.4.2009); operates facilities for the production of aluminium
powder, which can be used in missiles.
2. Korean Ryengwang
Trading Corporation
Pothonggang District,
Pyongyang, DPRK
Subsidiary of Korea Ryongbong General Corporation (entity designated by
the UNSC, 24.4.2009).
3. Sobaeku United
Corp. (alias
Sobaeksu United
State-owned company, involved in research into, and the acquisition, of sen
sitive products and equipment. It possesses several deposits of natural gra
phite, which provide raw material for two processing facilities, which, inter
alia, produce graphite blocks that can be used in missiles.
4. Yongbyon Nuclear
Research Centre
Research centre which has taken part in the production of military-grade
plutonium. Centre maintained by the General Bureau of Atomic Energy (en
tity designated by the UNSC, 16.7.2009).
6. Strategic Rocket
Within the DPRK national armed forces, this entity is involved in the devel
opment and operational implementation of ballistic-missile-related or other
weapons of mass destruction-related programmes.
(c) Natural persons referred to in Article 6(2)(b):
Name (and possible
Identifying information Reasons
JON Il-chun (alias
JON Il Chun)
DOB: 24.8.1941 In February of 2010
KIM Tong-un was discharged from his office as director
of Office 39, which is, among other things, in charge of purchasing goods
out of the DPRK diplomatic representations bypassing sanctions. He was re
placed by
JON Il-chun. Representative of the National Defence Commission
which was a key body for national defence matters in the DPRK before it
was reformed into the State Affaires Commission (SAC), has been elected di
rector-general of the State Development Bank in March 2010. Elected
Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee alternate member in May 2016
at the 7th Party Congress of Workers' Party of Korea, where WPK adopted
a decision to continue the DPRK's nuclear programme.
KIM Tong-un (alias
KIM Tong Un)
Former director of ‘Office 39’ of the Central Committee of the Workers'
Party of Korea which is involved in proliferation financing. In 2011, report
edly in charge of ‘Office 38’ to raise funds for the leadership and elites.
13.6.2017 L 149/73 Official Journal of the European Union
Name (and possible
Identifying information Reasons
KIM Il-Su (alias Kim
Il Su)
DOB: 2.9.1965
POB: Pyongyang, DPRK
Manager in the reinsurance department of Korea National Insurance Cor
poration (KNIC) based in the headquarters in Pyongyang and former
authorised chief representative of KNIC in Hamburg, acting on behalf of
KNIC or at its direction.
KANG Song-Sam
DOB: 5.7.1972
POB: Pyongyang, DPRK
Former authorised representative of Korea National Insurance Corporation
(KNIC) in Hamburg, continues to act for or on behalf of KNIC or at its di
CHOE Chun-Sik
DOB: 23.12.1963
POB: Pyongyang, DPRK
Passport 745132109
Valid until 12.2.2020
Director in the reinsurance department of Korea National Insurance Cor
poration (KNIC) based in the headquarters in Pyongyang acting on behalf of
KNIC or at its direction.
SIN Kyu-Nam (alias
SIN Kyu Nam)
DOB: 12.9.1972
POB: Pyongyang, DPRK
Passport PO472132950
Director in the reinsurance department of Korea National Insurance Cor
poration (KNIC) based in the headquarters in Pyongyang and former
authorised representative of KNIC in Hamburg, acting on behalf of KNIC or
at its direction.
PAK Chun-San (alias
PAK Chun San)
DOB: 18.12.1953
POB: Pyongyang, DPRK
Passport PS472220097
Director in the reinsurance department of the Korea National Insurance
Corporation (KNIC) based in the headquarters in Pyongyang at least until
December 2015 and former authorised chief representative of KNIC in
Hamburg, continues to act for or on behalf of KNIC or at its direction.
SO Tong Myong
DOB: 10.9.1956 President of the Korea National Insurance Corporation (KNIC), KNIC Execu
tive Management Committee Chairman (June 2012); Korea National Insu
rance Corporation General Manager, September 2013, acting on behalf of
KNIC or at its direction.
(d) Legal persons, entities or bodies referred to in Article 6(2)(b):
Name (and possible
Identifying information Reasons
1. Korea National
Corporation (KNIC)
and its branch
offices (a.k.a. Korea
Foreign Insurance
Central District,
Pyongyang, DPRK
Rahlstedter Strasse 83 a,
22149 Hamburg.
Korea National
Insurance Corporation
of Alloway, Kidbrooke
Park Road, Blackheath,
London SE30LW
Korea National Insurance Corporation (KNIC), a State-owned and controlled
company, is generating substantial revenue, including foreign exchange,
which could contribute to the DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic-missile-re
lated or other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes.
Furthermore, the KNIC headquarters Pyongyang is linked to Office 39 of
the Korean Worker's Party, a designated entity.’
13.6.2017 L 149/74 Official Journal of the European Union