Baggage Inspection Required for Travelers Going
From Puerto Rico to the U.S. Mainland
USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
(APHIS) prohibits or restricts the movement of many
agricultural products from Puerto Rico to the U.S.
mainland. These products include pork and pork products,
most fresh fruits and vegetables, and certain types of
plants and owers. That’s because these items could
harbor a dangerous stowaway—an invasive pest or
disease. Just one piece of fruit or a single plant that is
carrying an invasive pest or disease could cause millions
of dollars in damage, expensive eradication eorts, and
lost trade revenue.
To prevent the spread of invasive pests and diseases,
APHIS inspects all passenger bags moving from
Puerto Rico to the U.S. mainland at the airport prior to
your departure. Please be prepared to open and close
your own bags. If you have any fresh fruits or vegetables,
plants, owers, souvenirs made from plants or wood,
or other agricultural products with you, please tell the
inspector. Failure to declare these items can result in
delays and possible issuance of civil penalties ranging
from $100 to $1,000 per violation. In addition, if you wish
to ship or mail agricultural items that are allowed into the
U.S. mainland, they must be inspected and/or certied by
APHIS before you take them to an airline cargo oce, the
post oce, or other courier service.
Agricultural Items From Puerto Rico Allowed into the U.S. Mainland After Inspection
n Allium spp. (includes
onion, garlic, and
n Amaranth, Amaranthus
spp. (leaf, stem)
n Anise
n Annona spp. (leaf)
n Arracacia xanthorrhiza
n Arrowroot
n Artichoke, Jerusalem
n Asparagus
n Avocado
n Balsam apple
n Bamboo shoots
n Banana (fruit, leaf
without stalk or midrib)
n Basil
n Bay leaves, laurel
n Beans, shelled (faba,
lima, string)
n Beans, in pods (faba,
lima, string)—have
geographic restrictions.
For more information,
please contact USDA’s
oces using the
telephone numbers
listed below.
n Beet
n Bitter melon
n Brassica oleracea
(includes cabbage,
broccoli, brussels
sprouts, cauliower,
kale, and collards)
n Breadfruit,
Artocarpus spp.
n Breadnut
n Cacao bean pod
n Cannonball fruit
n Cantaloupe
n Carrot
n Cassava
n Celery
n Chamomile, Anthemis
n Chayote
n Chervil
n Chickory
n Chinese waternut
n Chrysanthemum spp.
(leaf, stem)
n Cilantro
n Citrus, fresh fruit
(grapefruit, orange,
lemon, lime)
n Coconut (with or
without husk)
n Collard
n Corn (on the cob only)
n Cornsalad,
Vallerianella spp.
n Cucumber (includes
Angola cucumber,
Sicania odorata)
n Cyperus corn
n Dandelion greens
(leaf, stem)
n Dasheen, Colocasia,
Caladium spp., and
Xanthosoma spp.
n Eggs
n Eggplant
n Endive
n Ethrog (fruit)
n False coriander
n Fennel
n Flowers (fresh, cut,
or dried)
n Genip
n Ginger root
n Gourd
n Guava (leaf)
n Herbs (dried or cured)
n Honeydew melon
n Horseradish,
Armoracia spp.
n Indigo, Indigofera spp.
n Insects (dried or
n Jackfruit
n Kale
n Kudzu—if not seed,
tuberous roots, or stems
with node (must not be
capable of propagation)
n Lambsquarter
n Lemongrass,
Cymbopogon citratus
n Leren
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. APHIS 81-45-018 | Revised May 2024
Agricultural Items From Puerto Rico Not Allowed
into the U.S. Mainland
n Cactus
n Citrus and citrus-related
n Citrus leaves (fresh)
n Cotton, cotton cuttings
n Fruits (fresh)—all fruits
are prohibited except
those on the preceding
n Handicrafts made from
Palm fronds
n Insects (live)
n Pigeon Peas (fresh)
n Plants in soil
n Lettuce
n Lily bulb, edible
n Lotus root
n Maguey
n Mangosteen
n Marjoram, Origanum
spp. (leaf, stem)
n Mint, Mentha spp.
n Mushrooms
n Mustard greens
n Oregano, Origanum spp.
(leaf, stem)
n Palm heart
n Papaya
n Parsley
n Parsnip
n Pepper
n Peas, Pisum sativum (in
pod or shelled)
n Pet birds
n Pineapple
n Plantain (fruit, leaf
without stalk or midrib)
n Plant cuttings and plants
without soil
n Pokeweek greens (leaf,
n Potato
n Pumpkin
n Purslane
n Radish
n Rhubarb
n Rosemary (leaf)
n Rutabaga
n St. John’s bread
n Salsify
n Savoy
n Snail shells (if empty
and thoroughly cleaned)
n Sorrel, Rumex spp.
n Spinach
n Squash
n Stinking-toe (pod)
n Strawberry
n Sweet potato (leaf only)
n Swiss chard
n Tamarind bean pods
n Taro, Colocasia and
Caladium spp.
n Tarragon
n Thyme
n Tomato
n True
n Turnip
n Vegetable marrow
n Water chestnut
n Watercress
n Watermelon
n Yam, Dioscorea spp.
n Yautia (tanier),
Xanthosoma spp.
Note: Commercially canned
and thoroughly cooked
foods, unless they contain
pork or pork products, are
permitted. All permissible
agricultural products are
subject to inspection.
n Pork and pork products
n Seed cotton and
n Snails (land)
n Seeds or nuts (pulpy)
n Soil
n Sugarcane
n Turmeric (Curcuma
n Sweet potato
n Vegetables (fresh)—
all vegetables are
prohibited except those
on preceding list
For More Information
Lists are subject to change. For the most up-to-date
information, call the USDA oce at the airport:
Aguada: (787) 986-7280
Aguadilla: (787) 931-7900
Carolina: (787) 710-7282, (787) 710-7443,
or (787) 710-7339
Ponce: (787) 709-4957
San Juan: (787) 919-0585
For more information, please visit APHIS’ website at
Entry requirements vary depending on the origin of the bird. Please
visit the APHIS’ Pet Travel website at for