Center for Career and Professional Success 100 Denney Hall, 164 Annie & John Glenn Avenue (614) 292-6961
Include your GPA. Actuarial Science recruiters consider
GPA an important factor when evaluating candidates.
You should always include GPA on your resume if your
cumulative average is above a 3.0. If your average falls
below that threshold, consider including your major GPA
if it is over 3.0. You can find your major GPA on your
degree audit.
Highlight professional examinations. Aside from GPA,
having taken and passed SOA/CAS exams is the most
important qualification for many employers. Every effort
should be made to take these exams as early as your
program of study allows. It is important to note that you
can include pending exams on your resume. Usually, a
resume only presents skills and experiences that have
been completed or are in progress; an exception is made
for pending actuarial exams.
Include technology and language skills. Technology
and language skills are highly marketable to employers
in the actuarial field. Be sure to include all software
packages you have used for classroom assignments or
independent research. Describe your level of language
skill (e.g., proficient, advanced, fluent) for verbal and
written levels.
Highlight relevant coursework. Employers are interested
in confirming that you have completed coursework
specific to your major as well as supplementary courses
that provide transferable skills, such as business
communications. It is important to focus on what courses
are most relevant to the position for which you are
applying. Read job descriptions carefully and customize
your resume to include the courses that are truly most
relevant to that specific job.
Emphasize relevant experience. The relevant experience
section of your resume may consist of internships,
research, tutoring, or part-time jobs that have allowed
you to gain knowledge, skills and experience that
relate to the opportunity you’re seeking. The Additional
Experience section (at the bottom of the resume
example) includes items that are valuable but don’t
necessarily relate to your ideal job.
Feature accomplishments from internships. Recruiters
are keenly interested in what you have accomplished
during your internships or field related work experience.
Be sure to describe your accomplishments instead of
simply listing your job duties. Consider using Problem-
Action-Result (PAR) statements to formulate your bullet
points: Identify a problem or challenge you encountered
during your internship, the actions you took, and the
result your efforts achieved.
Include activities and leadership experiences. Recruiters
are interested in well-rounded students who have
integrated leadership roles and other activities into their
undergraduate experience. When selecting entries for
this section of your resume, there is no need to list every
activity you have participated in. If one of your activities
relates to the position for which you are applying, list it
first. Not every entry needs a descriptive bullet as shown
on this sample, as some activities entail duties that are
commonly understood. For instance, volunteer roles with
nationally known nonprofits can be kept to one line:
Habitat for Humanity Volunteer, Columbus, OH, March-August 2012.
Resume Sample: Actuarial Science
The process of creating your resume may be confusing at times, and it might be difficult deciding what to
include. Focus on the main goal of a resume, which is to describe your experience and education relevant to the
position for which you are applying. Following the tips below is a great starting point when drafting your resume.
You can stop by the Arts and Sciences Career Services Office during walk-in hours to have your resume draft
reviewed (details about walk-in hours are found at Additionally, some of the
company recruiters who attend the Actuarial Science Club meetings may be willing to give you pointers on your
Center for Career and Professional Success 100 Denney Hall, 164 Annie & John Glenn Avenue (614) 292-6961
Resources/Websites for
Actuarial Students
Used to administer the on-campus recruiting program for the
Actuarial Science Club.
Sloan Career Cornerstone Center;
Features podcasts and other resources describing career options in
mathematics, actuarial science, and statistics.
The Society of Actuaries (SOA);
Highlights professional development resources, links to networking
organizations, information on exams and educational resources.
The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS);
Provides information on professional standards and practices as
well as industry analysis and trends.
American Academy of Actuaries;
A leading voice for the industry, this site provides information on
public policies affecting the profession.
Be An Actuary;
Sponsored by SOA and CAS, this site provides career resources for
entry level and experienced practitioners in the actuarial field.
Aba Kuss
1885 Neil Ave ◊ Columbus, Ohio 43210 ◊ (440) 700-7000 ◊ [email protected]
The Ohio State University Columbus, OH
Bachelor of Science, major in Actuarial Science Expected Graduation: May 2016
Minor in Economics
Cumulative GPA: 3.3
Passed Society of Actuaries Exam P/Casualty Actuarial Society Exam 1 (Probability) September 2015
Sitting for SOA Exam FM/CAS Exam 2 (Financial Mathematics) February 2016
 Software: Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word; SAS
 Procient in programming: C++ and Java
 Advanced Calculus  Business Communications  Linear Algebra
 Probability and Statistics  Corporate Finance  Life Contingencies
 Economic Models  Foundations of Accounting  Theory of Interest
Nationwide Insurance Columbus, OH
Actuarial Analyst Intern May – August 2015
 Updated archived spreadsheets with current formulas
 Used Microsoft Excel to calculate formulas and create pivot tables
 Evaluated policy proposals based on new government tax code regulations
 Presented data in meetings and through email to departments and managers
The Ohio State University Columbus, OH
Mathematics Department Tutor August 2014-Present
 Reviewed lecture materials for algebra and calculus courses
 Administered quizzes and midterms; assisted with grading
 Held oce hours for one-on-one tutoring
 Ohio State Dean’s List (ve terms)
 Mathematics Department scholarship (2013)
Actuarial Science Club, The Ohio State University August 2012-Present
 Vice-President (2013-2014)
 Attend weekly employer presentations and professional development programs
Math and Physical Sciences Ambassador Program, The Ohio State University
 Mentored rst and second year students regarding course selection and research opportunities
Bob Evans Columbus, OH
Shift Leader June 2012- Present
 Train new employees regarding corporate policies and procedures to ensure consistent customer experiences
 Provide superior service to customers in a fast paced environment during peak business hours
 Procient in Spanish, verbal and written